Monday, November 30, 2020

to rig

The 45th POTUS, a.k.a. fuckface, had 4 years in office. When fuckface went into the office he claimed voter fraud. 2 of fuckfaces years were with a gooper house and senate. In 4 years fuckface could not, as POTUS, fix an election, he is a terrible criminal and does not deserve to continue as POTUS.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

you goopers march

 When you goopers go marching in protect don't forget your masks

Thursday, November 5, 2020

America land o-the-racist

 Florida Latino's picked the racist criminal 45 (rc45). Better the blacks be a subject of white hate than the Latino's. Shame on you, Latino's, for voting for a creature who has been clear with its voice on how it feels about you.

Why do I live in a white flight state? Just to piss you off. I'm not here to make you feel comfortable.